Ambushed! The Siren Song of Alcohol Use
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Publisher: Pine Hill Graphics; 1st edition
Released Date: January 1, 2020
ISBN-13: 978-0578735733
Language: English
In this perceptive book, Dr. Glad offers us a seamlessly integrated approach to alcohol use. His skilled application of both general revelation (nature, medicine) and special revelation (the Bible), presents a clear way forward for those struggling with the challenges of alcohol abuse, recovering from the destructive damage of dependence and those who desire to provide effective and timely care for those in crisis. He offers a clear and timely guide to those who are still in the process of developing theological and life-style decisions regarding alcohol use. While this is certainly not the first attempt to address the issue of alcohol-use for Christians, it is an unambiguously clear and balanced view in terms of integrating natural and biblical truth in the context of freedom in Christ, biblical obedience and the way of wisdom regarding alcohol-use decisions.